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Food culture research of Gwangju and Chollanamdo area(II) - In Particular Food -  

김경애 (전남대학교 사범대학 가정교육과, 성화대학 식품계열)
정난희 (전남대학교 사범대학 가정교육과, 성화대학 식품계열)
전은례 (전남대학교 사범대학 가정교육과, 성화대학 식품계열)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association / v.41, no.3, 2003 , pp. 181-196 More about this Journal
Investigated kinds and utilization frequency for traditional food and Particular food to systematize Gwangju city and Chollanamdo area traditional food culture. Awareness for traditional food had pride because taste is various, and did that must use much when was festive day. Investigation subject were feeling necessity about accession, development of traditional food, and manufacture of traditional food, succession did that must take charge in home. Characteristic of taste for Gwangju city, Chollanamdo food was deep taste. Difference between variable was significant that age, religion that have pride about traditional food, attainments in scholarship, monthly income that used time much traditional food, degree that give from traditional food to snack is age, attainments in scholarship, years of married life, religion, reason that give snack to traditional food is daughter-in-law order, kind of traditional food that give to snack is age, monthly income mouth, opinion about accession and development of traditional food is age, religion, daughter-in-law order, reason that must inherit and develop traditional food is attainments in scholarship, time that eat much traditional food is attainments in scholarship, a person, medium that learn cuisine of traditional food is age, opportunity that is been interested to traditional food is age, attainments in scholarship, years of married life. By utilization rate of food-tasting food subdivisions of the season, used much by rice-cake soup, fermented rice punch, order of cake made from glutinous rice New Year's Day, by herbs, Gimgui, Ogokbap's order January Full Moon Day on the lunar calendar. By a cake made in the shape of a flower, azalea honeyed juice mixed with fruits as a punch order to Samjitnal, by beans panbroiling, dropwort raw order Buddha's Birthday, Tano Festival uses Charyunbyeong and used Tteoksudan in Yudu and used much by young chicken soup with ginseng and other fruits, watermelon order period of midsummer heat. Used songpyon and fermented rice punch in Full-moon Harvest Day, and Junggujeol used Chrysanthemum griddle cakes made in flower Pattern, and red-bean gruel taken on the winter solstice, and Nappyeongjeolsik was utilizing Goldongban. Pyebaek food utilization ratio was high the utilization rate by chestnut, jujube, chicken, wine order. The contributiveness food utilization rate was high the utilization rate by rice cake, dried croaker, fruit, oil-and-honey pastry order. The large table food utilization rate was high the utilization rate by fermented rice punch, fruit, steamed short-ribs order.
traditional food; particular food; use of frequency;
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  • Reference
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