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An Ecological Study on Infant-Mother Attachment in a Nonmaternal Care  

양연숙 (혜전대학 아동복지과)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association / v.40, no.7, 2002 , pp. 1-14 More about this Journal
This study investigated infant, mother/famny, and nonmaternal care characteristics contribution to infant- mother attachment through ecological perspective. Participants were forty 12-to 18-month-o1d infants and their mothers. Infants were observed in the Strange Situation to assess the pattern of infant-mother attachment; the Observational Ratings of the Caregiving Environment was used to assess the caregiving environment. Mothers were interviewed with the questionnaires, and observed in the laboratory "living room". There were significant effects of material sensitivity/responsiveness and good quality child care on secure attachment. Infant, mother/family, and nonmaternal care characteristics were mutually related.
nonmaternal care; attachment;
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