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Analysis of Dynamic Characteristics of Water Injection Pump  

Lee, Jong Myeong (Dept. of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat.Univ.)
Lee, Jeong Hoon (Dept. of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat.Univ.)
Ha, Jeong Min (Dept. of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat.Univ.)
Ahn, Byung Hyun (Dept. of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat.Univ.)
Kim, Won Cheol (Dept. of Mechanical System Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat.Univ.)
Choi, Byeong Keun (Dept. of Energy and Mechanical Engineering, Gyeongsang Nat.Univ.)
Publication Information
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A / v.37, no.12, 2013 , pp. 1483-1487 More about this Journal
Water injection pump outputs oil with high pressure during this process, seawater is injected into the well to recover the well pressure and maintain high productivity. A water injection pump has high productivity, and therefore, it serves as a key piece of equipment in marine plants. In this light, water injection pumps are being studied widely in industry. In this study, the rotor dynamics is analyzed to determine the natural frequency according to the bearing stiffness and operation speed change. This study aims to establish the pump reliability through critical speed, stability, and unbalance response analysis.
Water injection pump; Dynamic characteristic; Critical Speed Map; Cambell Diagram; Root locus map; Unbalance Response;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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