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Measurement of Aerodynamic Loads on Railway Vehicles Under Crosswind  

Kwon, Hyeok-Bin (Ultra High-speed Train Research Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute)
You, Won-Hee (Vehicle Dynamics and Propulsion System Research Department, Korea Railroad Research Institute)
Cho, Tae-Hwan (Aerodynamics & Structures Department, Korea Aerospace Research Institute)
Publication Information
Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A / v.35, no.1, 2011 , pp. 91-98 More about this Journal
In this study, we measure the aerodynamic forces acting on an AREX train in a crosswind by wind tunnel testing. A detailed test model scaled to 5% of the original and including the inter-car, under-body, and the bogie systems was developed. The aerodynamic forces on the train vehicles have been measured in a 4 m $\times$ 3 m test section of the subsonic wind tunnel located in Korea Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). The aerodynamic forces and moments of the train model on two different track models have been plotted for various yaw angles, and the characteristics of the aerodynamic coefficients have been analyzed at the experimental conditions.
Railway Vehicle; Crosswind; Derailment; Aerodynamics; Wind Tunnel Testing;
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