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A Study on the Data-Based Organizational Capabilities by Convergence Capabilities Level of Public Data  

Jung, Byoungho (상지대학교 빅데이터사이언스학과)
Joo, Hyungkun (한성대학교 지식서비스&컨설팅대학원)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.18, no.4, 2022 , pp. 97-110 More about this Journal
The purpose of this study is to analyze the level of public data convergence capabilities of administrative organizations and to explore important variables in data-based organizational capabilities. The theoretical background was summarized on public data and use activation, joint use, convergence, administrative organization, and convergence constraints. These contents were explained Public Data Act, the Electronic Government Act, and the Data-Based Administrative Act. The research model was set as the data-based organizational capabilities effect by a data-based administrative capability, public data operation capabilities, and public data operation constraints. It was also set whether there is a capabilities difference data-based on an organizational operation by the level of data convergence capabilities. This study analysis was conducted with hierarchical cluster analysis and multiple regression analysis. As the research result, First, hierarchical cluster analysis was classified into three groups. It was classified into a group that uses only public data and structured data, a group that uses public data on both structured and unstructured data, and a group that uses both public and private data. Second, the critical variables of data-based organizational operation capabilities were found in the data-based administrative planning and administrative technology, the supervisory organizations and technical systems by public data convergence, and the data sharing and market transaction constraints. Finally, the essential independent variables on data-based organizational competencies differ by group. This study contributed. As a theoretical implication, this research is updated on management information systems by explaining the Public Data Act, the Electronic Government Act, and the Data-Based Administrative Act. As a practical implication, the activity reinforcement of public data should be promoting the establishment of data standardization and search convenience and elimination of the lukewarm attitudes and Selfishness behavior for data sharing.
Big Data; Public Data; Convergence Capabilities; Data Constraint;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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