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Device-Centered Personalized Product Recommendation Method using Purchase and Share Behavior in E-Commerce Environment  

Kwon, Joon Hee (경기대학교 AI컴퓨터공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.18, no.4, 2022 , pp. 85-96 More about this Journal
Personalized recommendation technology is one of the most important technologies in electronic commerce environment. It helps users overcome information overload by suggesting information that match user's interests. In e-commerce environment, both mobile device users and smart device users have risen dramatically. It creates new challenges. Our method suggests product information that match user's device interests beyond only user's interests. We propose a device-centered personalized recommendation method. Our method uses both purchase and share behavior for user's devices interests. Moreover, it considers data type preference for each device. This paper presents a new recommendation method and algorithm. Then, an e-commerce scenario with a computer, a smartphone and an AI-speaker are described. The scenario shows our work is better than previous researches.
E-Commerce; Personalized Recommendation; Device; Behavior;
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