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A Study on Mobile Forensic Extraction Methods of Cellular and Smart Phone  

Yi, Jeong Hoon (호서대학교 벤처전문대학원 IT응용기술학과)
Park, Dea Woo (호서대학교 벤처전문대학원 IT응용기술학과)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.6, no.3, 2010 , pp. 79-89 More about this Journal
Cellular and Smart phone through the business and real life is associated with an increasing number of information processing, Breaches associated with mobile terminal Tile has occurred and cause Crime and damage. In this paper, Cellular and Smart phone for mobile forensics SYN scheme and JTAG scheme to target Cellular and Smart phone for the extraction of forensic data will be studied. SYN, JTAG approach to forensic analysis indicate with the process, Every Smart phone's OS specific performance and data extraction were compared. In the laboratory, Cell and smart phone with the SYN scheme and JTAG scheme to extract forensic data Improvement compared to the extraction is presented.
Mobile Forensic; Cellular Phone; Smart Phone; SYN Scheme; JTAG Scheme;
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  • Reference
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