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A Study on Reform Case of the Citizen Service Delivery System by using IT : Focused on the Implementation of Public Utility Charges Depreciation Simplification and its Implications  

Kim, Wan Pyong (행정안전부 지방행정국)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.6, no.3, 2010 , pp. 221-230 More about this Journal
Citizens' demand, which has been previously focused on welfare, is now expanding to include elements for higher quality of life such as employment, housing, culture, and sports. Accordingly, the government, with an aim of effectively delivering resident services that satisfy various demands, is committed to transforming the central government-oriented service system into the integrated service system based on public-private partnership. The government is also dedicated to expanding services to 8 areas including not only welfare but also healthcare, employment, housing, education, sports, culture, and tourism, which are directly related to everyday lives of residents. This project is designed to support such reforms in the citizen service delivery system in order to enhance quality of life of local residents. This study is to draw implications from analysis for implementing the citizen service integrated information system in order to reform the citizen service delivery system effectively through examinations and analyses of citizen services provided by the central government. Especially focus on public utility charges depreciation simplification citizen service. Its implications are expected to offer a real contribution for central and local Governments that want to increase the productivity of implementing eGovernment service.
e-Government; Citizen Service Delivery System; OK Citizen Service; The Resident Service Integrated Information System; Discount or Exemption on Public utility fees;
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  • Reference
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