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A Study on Analysis of Collaborative Governance in the Process of Local Government Co-evaluation Based on Virtual Policy Studio  

Mun, Young Hoon (행정안전부 지방행정국 지방공무원단체지원과 (지방자치단체 평가 담당))
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.6, no.3, 2010 , pp. 191-201 More about this Journal
The Korean central government has been investing a lot of efforts to promote performance of local governments. For example, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security (MOPAS) supported the local governments to develop and provide with a 'balanced score card' and a 'customer satisfaction innovation. ' Many other central ministries also conducted individual evaluations for local governments in their substantive policy areas. These evaluation systems of 78 appraisals for local governments conducted by the MOPAS and other ministries had made the local governments to work harder. However, most local governments have appealed their 'reform fatigue' caused by the overlapping evaluation systems. In this context, the MOPAS initiated merging the evaluations into a co-evaluation system under the new Government Performance Evaluation Act of 2006. In this process of introduction of new evaluation system, there are two significant movements. Firstly, as Korean Government has strong information technology, MOPAS has developed 'Virtual Policy Studio (VPS)' which evaluates the performance of each local government with on line. In other words, in the co-evaluation system for local government performance most evaluation steps are implemented by computer and Internet. So most stakeholder can access and work on the VPS in real time when they want to. And the other thing is that cooperation among stakeholders has been occurred in the co-evaluation system. Furthurmore the cooperative governance is systemized and sustain for a long time because MOPAS made IT based co-evaluation system. Therefore this paper intends to illustrate the process of introduction of VPS, main process of co-evaluation system based on VPS and analyze collaborative governance of the co-evaluation system.
Co-evaluation system for local government performance; Virtual Policy Studio; IT based evaluation; Collaborative Governance; Public Sector Performance Evaluation;
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  • Reference
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