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For the development of software industry, extensive software certification scheme  

Seo, Hee Suk (한국기술교육대학교 컴퓨터공학부)
Kim, Sang Ho (한국기술교육대학교 컴퓨터공학부)
Lee, Seung Jae (한국기술교육대학교 건축공학부)
Publication Information
Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management / v.6, no.3, 2010 , pp. 121-129 More about this Journal
For the development of software industry, offers an expanded software authentication scheme caused by the unauthorized copying of software is to reduce the damage to software developers, retail sales and to promote the development of the software industry was studied. Serial Number of the current software registration is conducted in such a simple verification procedure if the Serial Number only illegal and can be installed on multiple computers, such as program code to allow third parties to enter the Serial Number, or the extract can be used without is a reality. The proposed extension to the software authentication system when you install the software, my phone authentication and MAC Address Authentication Service introduced to distinguish normal user, the user of the MAC Address of the server and software development company that was sent to the registered MAC Address of the computer to be run only by the use of genuine software and to make unauthorized copies of software generated by the software developer can reduce the damage of the proposed plan.
MAC Address; Phone authenticate themselves; Install;
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  • Reference
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