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Effect of Self-Stretching Exercises on Postural Improvement in Patients with Chronic Neck Pain Caused by Forward Head Posture  

Kang, Jeong-Il (Department of Physical Therapy, Sehan University)
Jeong, Dae-Keun (Department of Physical Therapy, Sehan University)
Park, Seung-Kyu (Department of Physical Therapy, Sehan University)
Yang, Dae-Jung (Department of Physical Therapy, Sehan University)
Kim, Je-Ho (Department of Physical Therapy, Sehan University)
Moon, Young-Jun (Jungdaun Hospital)
Baek, Seung-Yun (Department of Physical Therapy, Sehan University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine / v.15, no.3, 2020 , pp. 51-59 More about this Journal
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to provide clinical basic data to reduce pain and improve function by comparing neck muscle activity and neck alignment using self-stretching and passive stretching exercises for chronic neck pain caused by forward head posture. METHODS: The subjects were divided into 15 subjects assigned to perform self-stretching exercise and 15 subjects assigned to perform passive stretching exercise. The intervention was conducted for a total of 4 weeks. The muscle activity in the neck was measured by surface electromyography (EMG) before intervention, and craniovertebral and cranial rotation angles were measured by X-ray. The 4-week intervention was conducted and the above items re-measured in the same manner and analyzed. RESULTS: Muscle activity within both groups after intervention using self-stretching or passive stretching exercise was significantly different (p < .05)(p < .01). Neck alignment of both groups was significantly different (p < .001)(p < .01). Further, muscle activities of the upper trapezius and splenius capitis muscles showed significant differences (p<.05). Lastly, neck alignment showed statistically significant difference (p < .05). CONCLUSION: Self-stretching exercise activated motor nerves as a posture correction exercise, thereby improving inhibition of muscle activity, muscle contraction delay, and pathological conditions of the muscle. For future research, interventions of self-stretching exercise will be needed for patients with chronic back pain accompanied by forward head posture, and various clinical studies on postural improvement of forward head posture by maintaining a normal muscle tone state are needed.
Muscle activity; Neck alignment; Self-stretching exercise;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
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