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Analysis of Correlation Between Knee Function Score and Knee Strength and Muscular Endurance According to the position of Elite Female Handball Athletes  

Kim, Hyun-Chul (Department of Medicine and Science, Korean Sport & Olympic Committee)
Park, Ki-Jun (Department of Special Education (Physical & Occupational Therapy), Dankook University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine / v.15, no.3, 2020 , pp. 127-133 More about this Journal
PURPOSE: The study examined the relationship between the knee function score and knee strength and muscular endurance of an elite female handball athletes according to their position in the team. METHODS: Thirty handball athletes participated on the study: 12 front positions, 12 back positions, and five goalkeepers. The knee function score consisted of symptoms, pain, daily activity, sports and recreation, and quality of life. In addition, CSMI (Cybex, USA) was used to measure the strength and muscular endurance of the knee. The muscular strength and muscular endurance were measured at an angular velocity of 60°/s and 180°/s, respectively. RESULTS: The overall items of the knee function score showed a significant difference (p = .017), and goalkeepers had significantly higher scores than the back positions. In addition, significant differences were observed in all five items depending on the position (p ≤ .05). On the other hand, both the flexor and extensor muscles of the knee strength and muscular endurance were not significant. Moreover, there was no correlation between the knee function score and the knee strength and muscle endurance. CONCLUSION: Elite female handball athletes have different knee functions score depending on their position in the team, but the, strength and muscular endurance of the knee were similar for each position. Furthermore, the knee function score showed no correlateion with the strength and muscular endurance of the knee.
Analysis of correlation; Handball athletes; Knee function score; Muscular endurance; Muscular strength;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 8  (Citation Analysis)
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