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Comparative Study of Text Entry Speed and Accuracy Using the Three Different Keyboard Type in Students with Cerebral Palsy: Case Study  

Jeong, Dong-Hoon (Department of Rehabilitation Technology, Korea Nazarene University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine / v.10, no.1, 2015 , pp. 23-35 More about this Journal
PURPOSE: People with physical disabilities such as cerebral palsy usually experience obstacles when interacting with computer through conventional keyboard because of their motor disabilities. The purpose of this study is empirically compare of text entry(alphabet and word) speed and accuracy using the three different keyboard type on four students(male 2 and female 2) with cerebral palsy. METHODS: This research design used a replicated single-case experimental approach to compare the individual performance. An alternating treatments design was used to examine the effectiveness of standard QWERTY keyboard and alternative keyboard(mini and big keyboard) on computer access for students with cerebral palsy. To avoid changes in posture that influence a keyboard character entry training and evaluation was carried out using his sitting in a wheelchair. Compass software program used in this study as an assessment tool to measure speed and accuracy when performance of text entry(alphabet and word). This was repeated until the stable status of reaction time. RESULTS: As a result, the alternative keyboard seems to be the most effective device for students with cerebral palsy to perform text entry. But various factors such as peculiarity of motor disabilities, experience and preferences of the user are heavily related. CONCLUSION: Thus, we must perform the objective and systematic assessment for computer access and if sustained training is accomplished, it could to improve speed and accuracy of text entry(alphabet and word).
Text entry; Compass software; Alternative keyboard;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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