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The Effect of Recovery of disability on Post-stroke Depression  

Ha, Mi-Sook (Department of Physcial Therapy, Masan college)
Park, Min-Chull (Department of Physcial Therapy, Pusan National University Hospital)
Goo, Bong-Oh (Department of Physcial Therapy, Catholic University of Pusan)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine / v.5, no.4, 2010 , pp. 623-632 More about this Journal
Purpose : The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of recovery of disability on post-stroke depression in stroke patients. Methods : Fifty patients with stroke were participated in this study. The stroke impact scale(SIS) was used to assess the recovery of disability according to stroke and short form of geriatric depression scale(SGDS) was used to assess the poststroke depression(PSD). Results : The suspicious for depression were exhibited in 38%(n=19) and patients with depression were 58% (n=26) of 50 patients with stroke. In correlation between recovery of disability and depression, emotion and recovery of stroke negatively correlated with depression(p<.05). Conclusion : These results demonstrates that patients with stroke need to manage and treat emotion for the prevention and management of PSD.
Depression; Stroke; Stroke impact scale;
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