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The Effect of Simulation Task Oriented on Balance in Patients with Stroke  

Goo, Bong-Oh (Department of Physical Therapy, CatholicUniversity of Busan)
Kang, Seung-Soo (Department of Physical Therapy, Gupo Bumin Hospital)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Society of Physical Medicine / v.5, no.4, 2010 , pp. 509-515 More about this Journal
Purpose : This study was performed to examine the effect of stimulation task-oriented training on the balance ability of the hemiplegic patients caused by stroke. Methods : We made a random sampling of 25 hemiplegic patients caused by stroke. 10 patients(experimental group)were treated by simulation Task-oriented training and Conventional training used by balance pad. The other 10 patients(control group) were only treated by Conventional training used by balance pad. During the training, 3 patients from the experimental group and 2 patients from the control group were excluded by private affairs. The control group has done Conventional training 6 times a week for 6 weeks. And experimental group has done Simulation task-oriented training two times, conventional training four times a week for 6 weeks. Balance ability was assessed by Fuctional Reaching Test (FRT) : unilateral and bilateral reaching. Results : In comparison of FRT before and after training, two groups all was significantly improved(p<.05). But bilateral reaching variation was significantly improved in experimental group. Conclusion : we can use simulation Task-oriented training valuably to increase balance ability of hemiplegic patients.
Balance; Hemiplegic patients; Task-oriented training;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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