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A Study of hollow Landforms of Korea from the point of forming  

Publication Information
Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea / v., no.66, 2005 , pp. 59-66 More about this Journal
The present writer have been engaged in research the Karst topography of Korea from the 1950's. Especially, I have studiedthe hollows indicated on topographical maps(1:5,000, 1:50,000) in library side by side with field survey. As the side by side with field survey. As the result, I came to a conclusion that all the hollows in limestone area are not always dolines. Based on case study, I classified the hollow landforms into 10 groups as follow. 1) Solution hollow 2) Volcanic hollow 3) Desertic hollow 4) Structural hollow 5) Meteoric hollow 6) Limnoic hollow 7) Minal hollow 8) Artificial hollow 9) Bursted hollow 10) Compound hollow I am asking advices of you all.
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