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A Study on the Management System of Show Cave for Sustainable Tourism  

Hong, Choong-Real (경민대학 관광경영학과)
Kim, Won-Jin (건국대학교)
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Journal of the Speleological Society of Korea / v., no.64, 2004 , pp. 27-36 More about this Journal
Caves have the values of learning sites and tourism resources. But show caves are at risk of being ravaged, destroyed, and Polluted. The Purpose of this study is to analyse the management condition and the problems of the show caves, and to suggest the alternative improvement for the cave management. The research of the Cultual Properties Administration revealed many Problems including the management system, safety diagnosis, the demand for comprehensive academic research and so on. An analyzing of the questionnaire about cave manager demanded to reform working conditions, tourist education, an amendment of the Cultural Properties Protection Act, expert education for cave manager. In conclusion, It is necessary that construct the mutual cooperation system of an administrative organization, cave manager and tourist, and the Cave Management information System to manage database of cave environment.
sustainable tourism; show cave; cave manager; cave management information system(CMIS);
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