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A Case Study on the Spatial Characteristics of Classroom in Educational Institution for the Gifted Children  

Kim, Young-Hoon (인덕대학 도시환경디자인학과)
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Journal of The Korean Digital Architecture Interior Association / v.11, no.2, 2011 , pp. 123-132 More about this Journal
In Korea, special education for the gifted is being activated in school systems, and many researches regarding this special education are being conducted. However, despite its rich research on the programs of this special education, there are almost no research on the institutions layout and spatial design that can utilize them. Considering the heat for education of the present and the researches on education for the gifted so far, this tendency is likely to continue. To study space composition and interior architectural design of children's institution for the gifted, we studied the cases of 5 institutions located in Seoul and the following are the results. The research results are as followed. Most institutions for the gifted used most common and technical paint, wallpaper, and PVC for finishing materials. The colors should be carefully selected, too, so that it will increase inquisitiveness and interest of the children, which will develop into creative ability. In the cases studied, color of most walls and furnitures were not very distinctive: they were in light pastel and bright tone. And there were set of desks in many shapes so it can be put in different ways for different purposes. However, there were also desks that are commonly used at schools, which were limited in arranging in various ways. Most cases studied were located in general building and therefore, natural light source was limited. On the part of appliances, supplements should be made so that classes can be carried out using multimedia materials.
Gifted Children; Educational Institution; Spatial Characteristics;
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