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Kang, Kyung-Tae (Department of Mathematics Jeju National University)
Song, Seok-Zun (Department of Mathematics Jeju National University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society / v.56, no.2, 2019 , pp. 507-521 More about this Journal
For any $m{\times}n$ nonbinary Boolean matrix A, its spanning column rank is the minimum number of the columns of A that spans its column space. We have a characterization of spanning column rank-1 nonbinary Boolean matrices. We investigate the linear operators that preserve the spanning column ranks of matrices over the nonbinary Boolean algebra. That is, for a linear operator T on $m{\times}n$ nonbinary Boolean matrices, it preserves all spanning column ranks if and only if there exist an invertible nonbinary Boolean matrix P of order m and a permutation matrix Q of order n such that T(A) = PAQ for all $m{\times}n$ nonbinary Boolean matrix A. We also obtain other characterizations of the (spanning) column rank preserver.
spanning column rank; constituent; linear operator; congruence operator;
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  • Reference
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