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Immediate Connection of Customized Zirconia Abutment Using Flapless Guided Surgery: A Clinical Report  

Lee, Gyeong-Je (Department of Dentistry, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Choi, Byung-Ho (Department of Dentistry, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Kim, Hee-Jun (Department of Dentistry, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Jung, Seng-Mi (Department of Dentistry, Wonju College of Medicine, Yonsei University)
Publication Information
Journal of Dental Rehabilitation and Applied Science / v.28, no.2, 2012 , pp. 201-212 More about this Journal
There are some similar aspects at histological and morphological characteristics between the peri-implant tissue and periodontal tissue and the direct attachment between the titanium and soft tissue around the implant called as "Functional ankylosis" can prevent the apical infiltration of inflammatory and bone resorption around implant. But, the repeated connection and disconnection of the abutment can destroy the mucosal barrier of soft tissue around the implant and can cause the marginal bone resorption. The amount of marginal bone resorption may reduced if the prosthetic abutment is placed at that time of surgery. Connection of the prosthetic abutment at surgery was limited because the low accuracy of conventional method, but by using of Cone Beam Computed Tomography(CBCT) and guide surgery, the 3-dimensional accuracy of implant placement became much higher than before and it became possible. This is a clinical case of immediate connection of prosthetic abutment and provisional restoration by using of precise CBCT diagnosis and pre-fabricated zirconia customized abutment at surgery and the alternative method is described in this article because of the clinically contentable results.
Biologic width; Mucosal barrier; Flapless surgery; CBCT guided surgery; Immediate loading;
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  • Reference
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