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Studies on the Main Level-Grading Factors for Establishment of LFQC (Liquid Fertilizer Quality Certification) System of Livestock Manure in Korea  

Jeon, Sang-Joon (Dept. of Environmental Engineering Sangji University)
Kim, Soo-Ryang (Dept. of Environmental Engineering Sangji University)
Kim, Dong-Gyun (Dept. Animal Life Resource, Sangji University)
Rho, Kyung-Sang (Korea Livestock Economic Institute)
Choi, Dong-Yoon (National Livestock Research Institute, R.D.A)
Lee, Myung-Gyu (Dept. of Environmental Engineering Sangji University)
Publication Information
Journal of Animal Environmental Science / v.18, no.2, 2012 , pp. 111-122 More about this Journal
Establishment of the LFQC (Liquid Fertilizer Quality Certification) system is very urgent issue for recycling livestock manure as renewable resources in Korea faced with environmental problem of manure application to land due to intensive livestock farming. In this study, we investigated relevant laws and regulations on livestock manure fertilizer, certifications of eco-friendly agricultural products, government policies on livestock manure management to establish reasonable direction of Korean LFQC (Liquid Fertilizer Quality Certification) system. As a result from this study, the liquid fertilizers in 'LFQC' system could be classified as three levels according to the usage patterns in field; 1st. Individual Farm Level (IFL), 2nd. Joint Farm Level (JFL), and 3rd. Commercial Level (CML). And finally, we found some characteristics in 'Main Level-Grading Factors' of liquid fertilizer such as fertilizing value, harmfulness, stability, uniformity, economic effect, storage potential, commercial value, functionality. Those items were considered to be the key factors for the establishment of 'LFQC' system. More research on 'Evaluation Standards' for concrete guideline and on the 'Main Level-Grading Factors' be needed to complete Korean LFQC system.
Livestock manure; Liquid fertilizer; LFQC system; Main level-grading factors; Evaluation standards;
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  • Reference
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