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A Study on the Influence of Demographic and Usage Characteristics on Mobile Shopping Addiction: Focusing on the Moderating Effect of Nationality  

Yoon, Jongwook (Department of Business Administration, Hyupsung University)
Yoon, Jongsoo (Division of Global Business Administration, Kangnam University)
In this study, the authors analyzed the effect of demographic and mobile usage characteristics on mobile shopping addiction. In particular, this study focused on identifying the differences in shopping addiction between countries that were rarely covered in previous studies. As a result of the analysis, gender and age were identified as significant independent variables in demographic characteristics, and it was analyzed that there was a statistically significant moderating effect between these variables and nationality. In the mobile usage, the initial time of use was found to be a significant independent variable, and it was analyzed that there was also a moderating effect between the variable and nationality. The results of this study can be used as a clue to establishing marketing strategies for providing customized products and services from a corporate perspective, and can provide useful guidelines for resolving shopping addiction from a public policy perspective.
Mobile commerce; Mobile shopping; Shopping addiction; Shopping commitment;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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