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A Proposal of Sensor-based Time Series Classification Model using Explainable Convolutional Neural Network  

Jang, Youngjun (Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Korea University)
Kim, Jiho (Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Korea University)
Lee, Hongchul (Dept. of Industrial and Management Engineering, Korea University)
Sensor data can provide fault diagnosis for equipment. However, the cause analysis for fault results of equipment is not often provided. In this study, we propose an explainable convolutional neural network framework for the sensor-based time series classification model. We used sensor-based time series dataset, acquired from vehicles equipped with sensors, and the Wafer dataset, acquired from manufacturing process. Moreover, we used Cycle Signal dataset, acquired from real world mechanical equipment, and for Data augmentation methods, scaling and jittering were used to train our deep learning models. In addition, our proposed classification models are convolutional neural network based models, FCN, 1D-CNN, and ResNet, to compare evaluations for each model. Our experimental results show that the ResNet provides promising results in the context of time series classification with accuracy and F1 Score reaching 95%, improved by 3% compared to the previous study. Furthermore, we propose XAI methods, Class Activation Map and Layer Visualization, to interpret the experiment result. XAI methods can visualize the time series interval that shows important factors for sensor data classification.
Sensor Data; Time Series Classification; Pattern Recognition; Deep Learning; eXplainable Artificial Intelligence(XAI);
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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