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Characteristics of noise generated during treatment in dental clinic  

Choi, Mi-Suk (Dept. of Dental Hygiene, Chodang University)
Ji, Dong-Ha (Dept. of Environmental Health, Daejeon Health Institute of Technology)
In this paper, we proposed of the results of the noise level and appropriate conversation distance by applying the noise characteristics generated during treatment at a dental clinic to the NR-curve and PSIL. As a result of analyzing the noise characteristics during treatment at a dental clinic, it was analyzed that the noise level exceeded 60dB(A), which is the health preservation limit value caused by noise, and the noise level increased as the frequency increased. the result of evaluation applying it to the NR curve, some treatment exceeded the workplace noise standard, and as a result of analyzing the level of conversational disturbance between the worker and the patient, it is desirable to have the conversation at a distance of less than 1M for accurate communication. In order to improve the quality of medical service in dental clinic and to reduce dental fear, it is judged that soundproofing protective equipment is provided to workers, and soundproofing measures are needed for noise sources (treatment devices used in treatment) and sound sources (patients and workers).
Noise; NR curve; Conversational disturbance; Dental fear; Soundproofing;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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