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A study on the effect of expected benefits and perceived risks on intention to use untact medical diagnosis and consultation services  

Jin, Seok (Smith College Division of Creative Convergence Education, Sahmyook University)
The purpose of this study is to explain intention to use untact medical diagnosis and consultation services. We carried out the analysis of the survey data using Smart PLS 3.0 to test the hypotheses how the expected benefit variables and perceived risk variables of untact medical diagnosis and consultation services affect intention to use. According to the empirical analysis results, this study confirmed that quality of telemedicine service had a significant effects on perceived usefulness, Perceived Easy of Use. And accessibility had a significant effects on perceived easy of use, cost saving and expected benefits had a significant effects on use Intention of untact medical diagnosis and consultation services. Performance risk and service risk had a significant effect on medical risk. And medical risk had a significant negative(-) effects on use Intention of untact medical diagnosis and consultation services. This study has its meaning because it found out that it deals structurally and expansively with use intention of untact medical diagnosis and consultation services through positive and negative factors.
Untact medical diagnosis and consultation services; Expected benefit; Perceived risks; Telemedicine; Use intention;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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