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Covid 19 News Data Analysis and Visualization  

Hur, Tai-Sung (Dept. of Computer Science, Inha Technical College)
Hwang, In-Yong (Dept. of Computer Science, Inha Technical College)
In this paper, we calculate the word frequency by date and region using news data related to COVID-19 distributed for about 8 months from December 2019 to July 2020, and visualized the correlation with the current state data of COVID-19 patients using the results. News data was collected from Big Kids, a news big data system operated by the Korea Press Promotion Foundation. The visualization system proposed in this paper shows the news frequency of the selected region compared to the overall region, the key keyword of the selected region, the region of the main keyword, and the date change of the selected region. Through this visualization, the main keywords and trends of COVID-19 confirmed and infected people can be identified for previous events.
COVID-19; press analysis; Big Kinds; data analysis; visualization;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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