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A Study on the Differences in Perception of Mobile Payment System Characteristics by User Characteristics  

Liu, Rui-xue (Department of Business Administration, Graduate School, Kangnam University)
Yoon, Jong-soo (Division of Global Business Administration, Kangnam University)
Thanks to various characteristics of mobile payment system, many users can easily purchase various products anytime, anywhere, free from time and place restrictions. In this respect, this study attempted to investigate how the perception of mobile payment system's characteristics (security, compatibility, efficiency, economy, reliability) varies depending on the characteristics of mobile payment system users (demographic characteristics, usage characteristics of mobile payment system). The results of the empirical analysis using questionnaires for mobile payment system users in Korea and China say that there are differences in the perceptions of few characteristics of mobile payment system by gender, nationality, age, and usage amount of mobile payment system users. The analysis results of the study are expected to provide implications in various aspects to researchers and practitioners seeking ways for facilitating the usage of mobile payment systems in Korea and China in the future.
Mobile payment system; Mobile payment system characteristics; Demographic characteristics; Usage characteristics of mobile payment system;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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