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Blockchain Technology and the Creation of Trust : Focusing on Transparency, Immutability and Availability  

Kim, Kee-Joo (Tabula Rasa College, Keimyung University)
Lee, Myung-Suk (Tabula Rasa College, Keimyung University)
'Trust' is 'believing and relying on people or things', and at the same time, it is the foundation and essential condition of existence of a specific community or society. How blockchain technology creates trust can be found in the fact that it is a technology shared by all participants. As a shared technology, blockchain itself shows three characteristics: transparency, immutability, and availability. Because it is shared, it is transparent, and because it is shared, it is immutable, which is difficult to modify or delete. In addition, since it is shared, the entire system operates normally even if some failure occurs. The significance of trust created based on this blockchain technology can be summarized in three aspects as follows. The first is to understand the problem of trust in connection with technology. Second, understanding the relationship between information and trust begins to pay attention. Third, based on the expanded information processing capability, it is possible to establish a large-scale, concrete relationship without central mediation.
Blockchain; Transparency; Immutability; Availability; Kin Selection; Reciprocity; Group Selection;
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