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The Impact of Social Network characteristics on the intention to reuse SNS: With a focus on mediating effects of TikTok users' participation and attachment  

Liang, Ya-Qing (Dept. of Global Business, Kyonggi University)
Yoon, Sung-Joon (Dept. of Business Administration, Kyonggi University)
With the consumption of smart phone content increasing rapidly, the short clip market in China is rapidly growing. TikTok, a short clip platform, has achieved great business success. However, there is not much research done on TikTok platform from the customers' perspective. To this end, this study aimed to verify the relationship between the social network characteristics on the TikTok platform, attachment toward the TikTok platform, user participation, social identity, psychological distance and reuse intention through an empirical investigation. In August 2021, a survey was conducted on consumers on the subject of TikTok platform in China. The results of the study are as follows. First, the social network characteristics significantly affected the user participation and the attachment. Second, both the attachment and the user participation had a significant impact on reuse intention. Third, user participation had a significant impact on attachment. Fourth, social identity played a significant moderating role in the relationship between social network characteristics and user participation. Fifth, Psychological distance played a significant moderating role in the relationship between social network characteristics and attachment. The results of this study are expected to provide theoretical and practical implications for research on TikTok platform.
Social Network characteristics; attachment; User participation; Psychological distance; Social identity; Reuse intention;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 4  (Citation Analysis)
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