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A Study on IT Curriculum Evaluation for College Students  

Kim, Heon Joo (Global Leadership School, Handong Global University)
Kim, Kyung-mi (Global Leadership School, Handong Global University)
Yi, Kang (School of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering, Handong Global University)
We compared and analyzed the factors affecting the lecture evaluation of IT subjects, which are mandatory for all students of H University. The purpose of this study is to determine whether lecture satisfaction has a significant correlation with academic achievement, attendance rate, and categories of courses. In this study, we check whether the lecture satisfaction of IT liberal arts subjects that require a lot of computer-based practice differs from that of other liberal arts subjects. We used the 2,149 evaluation data of 12 lectures submitted by 2,322 students in the first and second semesters of year 2019 at University H. As for the lecture evaluation results, in addition to the evaluation scores of the multiple choice questions, the subjective questions were also quantified by classifying the statements submitted by the students into positive and negative types to make the results of the lecture evaluation objective. Our research results show that student group who have the higher attendance rates and academic achievements have higher level of lecture satisfaction and they also use more positive words than negative words in subjective evaluation questions. Students with the lower score use the more negative words, but the ratio between positive and negative words does not differ between groups. Higher attendance rates groups in the basic programming courses and software applications courses have higher lecture satisfaction ratio. But in the intermediate programming courses, the higher attendances rate and the lecture satisfaction do not have any significant relationship. Also students in the intermediate programming courses use more negative words than those in the basic programming courses.
Academic achievement; Attendance rates; Correlation with subject area; Lecture evaluation; Programming education as liberal arts; Subjective questionnaire;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
연도 인용수 순위
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