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Analysis of Time-Series data According to Water Reduce Ratio and Temperature and Humidity Changes Affecting the Decrease in Compressive Strength of Concrete Using the SARIMA Model  

Kim, Joon-Yong (Dept. of IT Convergence Software, Seoul Theological University)
In this paper is one of the measures to prevent concrete collapse accidents at construction sites in advance. Analyzed based on accumulated Meteorological Agency data. It is a reliable model that confirms the prediction of the decrease rate occurrence interval, and the verification items such as p_value is 0.5 or less and ecof appears in one direction through the SARIMA model, which is suitable for regular and clear time series data models, ensure reliability. Significant results were obtained. As a result of analyzing the temperature change by time zone and the water reduce ratio by section using the data secured based on such trust, the water reduce ratio is the highest in the 29-31 ℃ section from 12:00 to 13:00 from July to August. found to show. If a factor in the research result interval occurs using the research results, it is expected that the batch plant will produce Ready-mixed concrete that reflects the water reduce ratio at the time of designing the water-cement mixture, and prevent the decrease in concrete compressive strength due to the water reduce ratio.
Water reduce ratio; TimeSeries Data; AR; MR; ARIMA; SARIMA;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 5  (Citation Analysis)
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