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A Research on Paramedic Student Type of Perception for 119 Rescue Workers  

Lee, Jae-Min (Dept. of Emergency Medical Technology, Gwangju Health University)
This research studies the perception types of 119 rescue workers among emergency rescue department students, and was carried out to identify the types of perception of 119 rescue workers among firefighters and to prepare basic data to find out the characteristics of each type. As a result of analysis on the Q sample consisting of 27 statements by executing the Q UANL program on a total of 54 students from the Emergency rescue department, it is confirmed that there were 3 types, which accounted for 45% of the total variable. When looking at the explanatory power per type, it turned out: 32% for Type I; 6.7% for Type II; and 5.8% for Type III. Each type was named as follows: our Superman for Type I ; suffering hero for Type II ; and rescue expert for Type III. Overall, there were 119 rescue workers as follows : rescue workers in lexical meaning; and 119 rescue workers who were in difficult situations suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and needed to be covered and protected by citizens. In addition, there was a perception of 119 rescue workers who were recognized as a specialist and carry out his/her lifesaving duties without a single mistake. Therefore, in order for 119 rescue workers to be recognized as a specialized field of rescue, a program in which 119 rescue workers can share various training and experiences must be provided and researched.
119; Rescue Worker; Fire Officials; Perception;
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