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InfoDID: A robust user information management serivce based on Decentralized Identifiers  

Kwon, Min-Ho (Dept. of Electrical/Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Ulsan)
Lee, Myung-Joon (School of IT Convergence, University of Ulsan)
In this paper, we introduce InfoDID, a robust user information management service based on DID that manages user information reliably. Since blockchain technology provides an environment in which data can be handled transparently on a decentralized basis, various services using blockchain are currently being developed As the importance of user's personal information has recently emerged, the DID technology is receiving attention. The technology allows a user to control his or her information through decentralized identifiers, and various information management services are being tried based on the technology. Using blockchain-based DID technology, InfoDID reliably controls personal information requested frequently, helping users to provide their information to other services more conveniently. In addition, to support service continuity, InfoDID uses BR2K technique that provides robust execution of blockchain application services, so that even partial service failures can be systematically recovered. To facilitate this operation, we present a replication status monitoring tool that can continuously check the replication states of blockchain application services running in association with the BR2K technique such as InfoDID.
Blockchain Service; User information; Decentralized Identifiers; Service Replication; Personal Information Management;
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