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A Study on Structural Relationship between Adolescents' Multicultural Acceptability Change and Its Influencing Factors  

Kim, Hyung-Hee (Dept. of Social Welfare, Graduate School of Chosun University)
Park, Hwieseo (Dept. of Public Administration & Social Welfare, Chosun University)
The point of this research is verifing the longitudinal changes in youth multicultural acceptance and to verify predictive variables of multicultural acceptance. Among the Korean Children and Youth Panal data collected by the Korea Institute for Children and Youth Policy, 1,972 data from the 3rd, 5th, and 6th data of the first-year middle school panal were used, and the data were analyzed by applying the latent growth model, and the following analysis results were obtained. First, adolescents' multicultural acceptability showed an increasing pattern, and the extent of the increase was large at the point of transition from the 3rd year(3rd year of middle school) to the 5th year. Second, predicting the change of multicultural acceptability were found to be significant in the initial values of peer communication, community consciousness and in the rate of change, life-satisfaction, peer communication, community consciousness. This study proposed some plans to improve multicultural acceptance in adolescence basing on these results.
Longitudinal Study; Multicultural Acceptability; Life-Satisfaction; Peer Communication; Community awareness; Community consciousness;
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