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RFA: Recursive Feature Addition Algorithm for Machine Learning-Based Malware Classification  

Byeon, Ji-Yun (Dept. of Cyber Security, Yeungnam University College)
Kim, Dae-Ho (Dept. of Cyber Security, Yeungnam University College)
Kim, Hee-Chul (Dept. of Cyber Security, Yeungnam University College)
Choi, Sang-Yong (Dept. of Cyber Security, Yeungnam University College)
Recently, various technologies that use machine learning to classify malicious code have been studied. In order to enhance the effectiveness of machine learning, it is most important to extract properties to identify malicious codes and normal binaries. In this paper, we propose a feature extraction method for use in machine learning using recursive methods. The proposed method selects the final feature using recursive methods for individual features to maximize the performance of machine learning. In detail, we use the method of extracting the best performing features among individual feature at each stage, and then combining the extracted features. We extract features with the proposed method and apply them to machine learning algorithms such as Decision Tree, SVM, Random Forest, and KNN, to validate that machine learning performance improves as the steps continue.
machine learning; feature; recursive; malware; classification;
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  • Reference
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