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An Evaluation Management System Using Blockchain  

Lee, Su-Hyun (Dept. of Computer Engineering, Changwon National University)
Blockchain, recognized as one of the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, is an Internet-based distributed data management system which does not require centralized control. Blockchain is characterized by the integrity and reliability of information, and blockchains can be used where such characteristics are required. Typical applications of blockchain include finance, transaction, and evaluation management. In this paper, we designed a blockchain-based evaluation management system that allows users to freely create and manage evaluation instances. Evaluation managers can create an evaluation instance according to their purpose and allocate evaluation items and evaluators. When the evaluators finish evaluating the evaluation items, the evaluation manager can aggregate the evaluation results for the instance. Someone, who want to perform evaluation for various purposes but do not have an evaluation system, can implement the evaluation system relatively simply by using this system. In addition, due to the characteristic of the blockchain, evaluators cannot modify the evaluation scores they have already recorded, and neither the system administrator nor the evaluation administrator can modify the evaluation scores. For this reason, the reliability of the evaluation increases.
Blockchain; Smart Contract; Evaluation Management; Lecture Feedback; Ethereum;
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