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The Association between Major Selection Motives and Employment Preparation Behavior in College Students Majoring in Hair: the Mediating Effects of Major Satisfaction  

Jung, Sook-Hee (Division of Cosmetology, Kyungnam College of Information & Technology)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between major selection motives and employment preparation behavior in college students majoring in hair and determine if major satisfaction had any mediating effect on the association between major selection motives and employment preparation behavior. For this purpose, research was conducted in 154 college students majoring in hair in B Region. Such instruments as the major selection motive inventory, the major satisfaction inventory, and the employment preparation behavior inventory were used. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, product moment correlation analysis, and regression analysis were performed. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was performed to determine the mediating effects of major satisfaction on the association between major selection motives and employment preparation behavior in college students majoring in hair and Sobel test was carried out to determine the significance of the mediating effects. This study obtained the following results: First, among the major selection motives, the personal motives were positively correlated with major satisfaction and employment preparation behavior, and major satisfaction was positively correlated with employment preparation behavior in college students majoring in hair. Second, the personal motives and major satisfaction affected employment preparation behavior in college students majoring in hair. Third, major satisfaction exerted partially mediating effects on the association between the personal motives and employment preparation behavior in college students majoring in hair. Major satisfaction partially affected the association between the social motives and employment preparation behavior.
Major selection motives; employment preparation behavior; major satisfaction; college student majoring in hair; mediating effect;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 1  (Citation Analysis)
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