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Application of AHP to the Selection Factors of Kiosk as Technology-Based Self-Service  

Hyun, Ho-Suk (Science and Technology Policy Institute)
Lee, Hyung-Seok (School of Business, Chungbuk National University)
In this study, we proposed a hierarchy process analysis model for Kiosk known as technology-based self-service, In addition, we deduced the selection factors based on the literature review and calculated the weight of the factors. To estimate the priorities of selection factors, we used the data collected from consumers who have used Kiosks at cafe or fast food restaurant. The results of the study showed that the convenience among the factors in the first stage, consisted of safety, design, convenience, informativity, and responsiveness, revealed the most important factor in both cafe and fast food restaurant. Synthetic calculation of the first stage factors and the second stage factors showed that simple procedure was the most important factor. The results of comparing the priorities between cafe and fast food restaurant showed that consumers assessed their priorities differently in simple procedures, nutritional information, and fast menu provision.
Technology-based self-service; Kiosk; AHP; Fast food restaurant; Cafe;
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