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A Deep Learning Approach with Stacking Architecture to Identify Botnet Traffic  

Kang, Koohong (Dept. of Information and Communications Eng., Seowon University)
Malicious activities of Botnets are responsible for huge financial losses to Internet Service Providers, companies, governments and even home users. In this paper, we try to confirm the possibility of detecting botnet traffic by applying the deep learning model Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) using the CTU-13 botnet traffic dataset. In particular, we classify three classes, such as the C&C traffic between bots and C&C servers to detect C&C servers, traffic generated by bots other than C&C communication to detect bots, and normal traffic. Performance metrics were presented by accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score on classifying both known and unknown botnet traffic. Moreover, we propose a stackable botnet detection system that can load modules for each botnet type considering scalability and operability on the real field.
Botnet; Botnet Detection System; Deep Learning; Convolutional Neural Network; CTU-13 Dataset;
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