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Adaptive Concurrency Control Approach on Shared Object Manipulation in Mixed Reality  

Lee, Jun (Dept. of Game Software, Hoseo University)
Park, Sung-Jun (Company of DataReality)
In this paper, we propose an adaptive concurrency control scheme to reduce conflicts and working time in the cooperative work in mixed reality. To this ends, we first classified the goals, tasks and ownerships of the cooperative work. Then, the classified relationships are mapped according to their temporal and hierarchical relationships of shared object manipulation in the cooperative work. The proposed system provides adaptive concurrency controls of the shared object according to temporal orders of the sub-goals. With the proposed scheme, a participant is enable to move and rotate a shared object although another already has an ownership of the shared object in a specific order of the sub-goal. Thus, the proposed system provides adaptive and realistic cooperative working environment. We conducted a user study of the proposed scheme. The proposed system could reduce conflicts and working times comparing to conventional approaches.
Mixed Reality; Upper Body; Shared Object Manipulation; Concurrency Control;
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