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A study on the Extraction of Similar Information using Knowledge Base Embedding for Battlefield Awareness  

Kim, Sang-Min (Intelligent C4I Team, Hanwha Systems Co.)
Jin, So-Yeon (Intelligent C4I Team, Hanwha Systems Co.)
Lee, Woo-Sin (Intelligent C4I Team, Hanwha Systems Co.)
Due to advanced complex strategies, the complexity of information that a commander must analyze is increasing. An intelligent service that can analyze battlefield is needed for the commander's timely judgment. This service consists of extracting knowledge from battlefield information, building a knowledge base, and analyzing the battlefield information from the knowledge base. This paper extract information similar to an input query by embedding the knowledge base built in the 2nd step. The transformation model is needed to generate the embedded knowledge base and uses the random-walk algorithm. The transformed information is embedding using Word2Vec, and Similar information is extracted through cosine similarity. In this paper, 980 sentences are generated from the open knowledge base and embedded as a 100-dimensional vector and it was confirmed that similar entities were extracted through cosine similarity.
Knowledge Base; Embedding; Battlefield Awareness; Natural Language Processing; Artificial Intelligence;
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  • Reference
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