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Satisfaction with Development Direction of Local Culture and Arts through the PCSI Model: Focused on Daegu Music City  

Lee, Sea-Bom (Bigdata Research Center, Kyung Hee University)
Lee, Chi-Woo (Cultural & Performing Arts, Dongseo University Graduate School)
Moon, Jae-Young (Div. of Global Business Administration, Dongseo University)
In Korea, there are a total of 8 creative cities selected by UNESCO in 7 fields. UNESCO creative city refers to a network of creative cities with international level of experience, knowledge, and expertise in the field of culture and arts. Based on the PCSI 2.0 model, this study conducted a satisfaction survey of experts on Daegu's Creative City. Variables were composed of service quality, social responsibility, inconsistency, satisfaction and performance, and service quality was measured by dividing it into three categories: content quality, delivery quality, and environmental quality. Therefore, this study verified that the three types of quality, social responsibility, and inconsistency affect satisfaction, and that satisfaction affects performance. As a result of the study, it was found that the three service quality did not directly affect satisfaction, but rather affected satisfaction through inconsistency. So, 3 out of 10 hypotheses were rejected.
UNESCO Creative City; PCSI Model; Daegu; Music City; Satisfaction; Local Culture and Art;
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