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A Study on antecedent factors of the Female farmers' Information Literacy Competency using smart devices  

Son, Joo-Lee (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
Chae, Hye-Sung (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
Choi, Yoon-Ji (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
Choi, Jung-Shin (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
Jeong, Jin-Yi (National Institute of Agricultural Sciences, RDA)
In this paper, we propose antecedent factors that influence the Information Literacy Competency of female farmers using smart devices. The study was analyzed using the materials from the "Primary Survey of Information Literacy Competency Measurement Index for Female Farmers" by the Rural Development Administration. The target of the survey was 200 women working on the farms. The descriptive, correlation, and multiple regression analyses, t-test, and ANOVA using SPSS 21.0 program were performed. Study results found that among the psychological factors, Self-efficacy and Innovativeness have positive effects on Information Literacy Competency. Among the Sociodemographic factors, the education level, presence of smartpads, and tiem spent on smartphones have positive effects on Information Literacy Competency. Findings of the results contributed to the understanding of the Information Literacy Competency for female farmers, who have lack of infromarion on smrt devices, and suggested the direction of enhancing the level of Information Literacy Competency for female farmers.
Information Literacy Competency; Female farmer; Perceived usefulness; Self-efficacy; Innovativeness;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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