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Building Living Lab for Acquiring Behavioral Data for Early Screening of Developmental Disorders  

Kim, Jung-Jun (Korea Institute of Robotics&Technology Convergence)
Kwon, Yong-Seop (Korea Institute of Robotics&Technology Convergence)
Kim, Min-Gyu (Korea Institute of Robotics&Technology Convergence)
Kim, Eun-Soo (Korea Institute of Robotics&Technology Convergence)
Kim, Kyung-Ho (Korea Institute of Robotics&Technology Convergence)
Sohn, Dong-Seop (Korea Institute of Robotics&Technology Convergence)
Developmental disorders are impairments of brain and/or central nervous system and refer to a disorder of brain function that affects languages, communication skills, perception, sociality and so on. In diagnosis of developmental disorders, behavioral response such as expressing emotions in proper situation is one of observable indicators that tells whether or not individual has the disorders. However, diagnosis by observation can allow subjective evaluation that leads erroneous conclusion. This research presents the technological environment and data acquisition system for AI based screening of autism disorder. The environment was built considering activities for two screening protocols, namely Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and Behavior Development Screening for Toddler (BeDevel). The activities between therapist and baby during the screening are fully recorded. The proposed software in this research was designed to support recording, monitoring and data tagging for learning AI algorithms.
Artificial Intelligence; Autism Spectrum Disorder; Living lab; Behavioral Response; Cognitive Response;
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