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A Study on the Security Processor Design based on Pseudo-Random Number in Web Streaming Environment  

Lee, Seon-Keun (Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Woosuk University)
Nowadays, with the rapid spread of streaming services in the internet world, security vulnerabilities are also increasing rapidly. For streaming security, this paper proposes a PN(pseudo-random noise) distributed structure-based security processor for web streaming contents(SP-WSC). The proposed SP-WSC is basically a PN distributed code algorithm designed for web streaming characteristics, so it can secure various multimedia contents. The proposed SP-WSC is independent of the security vulnerability of the web server. Therefore, SP-WSC can work regardless of the vulnerability of the web server. That is, the SP-WSC protects the multimedia contents by increasing the defense against external unauthorized signals. Incidentally it also suggests way to reduce buffering due to traffic overload.
Cryptographic algorithm; Adaptive; Processor; Security; Streaming; Web-Server;
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