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Efficient Mobile Writing System with Korean Input Interface Based on Face Recognition  

Kim, Jong-Hyun (Dept. of Software Application, Kangnam University)
The virtual Korean keyboard system is a method of inputting characters by touching a fixed position. This system is very inconvenient for people who have difficulty moving their fingers. To alleviate this problem, this paper proposes an efficient framework that enables keyboard input and handwriting through video and user motion obtained through the RGB camera of the mobile device. To develop this system, we use face recognition to calculate control coordinates from the input video, and develop an interface that can input and combine Hangul using this coordinate value. The control position calculated based on face recognition acts as a pointer to select and transfer the letters on the keyboard, and finally combines the transmitted letters to integrate them to perform the Hangul keyboard function. The result of this paper is an efficient writing system that utilizes face recognition technology, and using this system is expected to improve the communication and special education environment for people with physical disabilities as well as the general public.
RGB camera; Mobile device; Face recognition; Korean input interface; Korean keyboard system; Special education environment;
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