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A Study on the User Acceptance Model of Artificial Intelligence Music Based on UTAUT  

Zhang, Weiwei (Dept. of Vocal Performance Music Conservatory, Anshan Normal University)
In this paper, the purpose is to verify the impact of performance expectations, effort expectations, social impact, individual innovation and perceived value on the intent of use and the behavior of use. Used Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to verify the applicability of this model in China, and established the research model by adding two new variables to UTAUT according to the situation of the Chinese market. To achieve this goal, 345 questionnaires were collected for experienced music creators using artificial intelligence nuggets in China by means of Internet research. The collected data were analyzed through frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and structural equation analysis through SPSS V. 22.0 and AMOS V 22.0. The verification of the hypotheses presented in the research model identified the decisive influence factors on the use of artificial intelligence music acceptance by Chinese users. The study is innovative in that it attempts to verify the applicability of UTAUT in the Chinese context. In the construction of the user acceptance model of AI music, three influencing factors will have an effect on users' intentions, and according to the degree of effect, from largest to smallest, they are respectively Perceived Innovativeness, Performance Expectancy and Effort Expectancy. This paper will also provide some management advices, i.e. improving the utility and usability of AI music, encouraging users with individual innovativeness, developing competitive and attractive pricing policies, increasing publicity, and prioritizing word-of-mouth advertising.
Artificial Intelligence Music; UTAUT; Perceived Innovativeness; Performance Expectancy; Effort Expectancy;
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Times Cited By KSCI : 2  (Citation Analysis)
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