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Comparison of Elderly Male's Bodice Pattern -focused on 70's and 80's  

Cha, Su-Joung (Dept. of Fashion & Clothing, Mokpo National University)
In this study, four types of bodice patterns of elderly males in their 70s and 80s were made, and appearance evaluation was conducted through 3D simulation. For objective evaluation, airgap, cross section, color distribution, etc. were analyzed to compare differences between patterns. The pattern shape of bodice for elderly males was a pattern without darts except for the L pattern. As a result of appearance evaluation for 3D simulation, the elderly males' pattern was found to have a significant difference among the patterns on the front, side, and back items, and the H pattern was analyzed as the best pattern in all items except the armhole shape on the side. As a result of evaluating the airgap, color distribution, and cross-section, the most suitable pattern for the elderly male's body type was analyzed as the H pattern. Based on the H pattern, it is thought that the development of a pattern suitable for the upper body shape of elderly male should be made.
Elderly male; Bodice; Pattern; 3D Simulation; Prototype;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 7  (Citation Analysis)
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