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A robust execution scheme for Ethereum blockchain application services  

Kwon, Min-Ho (Dept. of Electrical/Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Ulsan)
Lee, Myung-Joon (Dept. of Electrical/Electronic and Computer Engineering, University of Ulsan)
In this paper, we propose a robust execution scheme for Ethereum blockchain application services which provide continuous services and support recovery even in the case of failures of those services. As of now, blockchain services are rapidly expanding to all industries and being combined with various infrastructure services of public institutions. But if these services fail in disastrous situations such as earthquakes, floods and terrors or various hacking attacks, the aftermath is very serious and its side effects are difficult to assess. To resolve this issue, we develop the service registry as a smart contract of the Ethereum blockchain, which provides useful information on the services to users even in disasters. With the help of the service registry, we also present a method of replicating services on the basis of the ETCD distributed storage system. The proposed scheme is confirmed by the test service developed by the proposed techniques.
Blockchain Service; Service Robustness; Service Replication; Service Recovery; Service Registry;
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