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A Study on Conspired Insurance Fraud Detection Modeling Using Social Network Analysis  

Kim, Tae-Ho (Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University)
Lim, Jong-In (Graduate School of Information Security, Korea University)
Recently, proving insurance fraud has become increasingly difficult because it occurs intentionally and secretly via organized and intelligent conspiracy by specialists such as medical personnel, maintenance companies, insurance planners, and insurance subscribers. In the case of car accidents, it is difficult to prove intentions; in particular, an insurance company with no investigation rights has practical limitations in proving the suspicions. This paper aims reveal that the detection of organized and conspired insurance fraud, which had previously been difficult, could be dramatically improved through conspiring insurance fraud detection modeling using social network analysis and visualization of the relation between suspected group entities and by seeking developmental research possibilities of data analysis techniques.
social network analysis; insurance fraud detection; conspired insurance fraud; insurance fraud; fraud detection;
Citations & Related Records
Times Cited By KSCI : 3  (Citation Analysis)
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